Saturday, December 17, 2011


I thought about it today, when I read my last post.  I tend to write at my most down moments.  But, while it is therapeutic, I also want to make sure I include some bright moments, and things that I am truly grateful for.

I am continually humbled by the people appearing as "angels in disguise."  I have had some real, true blessed experiences.  I have a renewed friendship that I have missed.  I have some people extending me grace from afar, and people praying for us.  God is good.

While it might not seem like a benefit, because no one wants to have a mental illness, I thank God for the support  that my son is getting in certain places, ones not even he expected.

I am continually getting the opportunity to look at things in a new light, and I might not have had this experience otherwise.  I feel like I am able to really live in brokenness, and it is making me even more grateful for what we have.

I struggle, daily.  But, there is hope.  It may not look like I thought it would, and I know there will be plenty more really rough days, but for now, I wanted to express my gratitude.  I am grateful for the lessons I am learning, because I might not learn them otherwise.  I do believe this journey is making me a better person for all of the trials.  I wish that I could help my son, though, to understand that I would take away his torment and pain, if I could.  That is a lesson he will take a long time to learn, but I hope he does learn it.

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